Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Drama Continues...WW3 Rages On...

Well, I have been telling you all he struck again but this time was not with his usual style of antics...He actually knocked on my door what a dumb ass...

It was about 11:30am right after Andre had left for work...I thought it might be maintenance man but to my shock and dismay I opened my door and it was the "ODB" (Old Dirty Bastard).  I had to say to myself "Here we go!" So, I asked him what did he want 'cause I had nothing to say to him after his last battle of B.S. He started complaining about the noise Andre and I make in my apartment and how we need to be careful 'cause one of my other neighbors will report me..I was like "oh really?"  This old bitch just told me he called me into the What a douche bag...

Well, I had to call my lovely landlord to complain about my ice maker anyways so I called her we were giggling cause he had just hung up with her and she can not stand him...She told me he was threatening to go to the owner of the complex with his complaint so I need to get one up on him quick...So, I sat thinking what can I do other then take the photos of his past B.S. and bring them to the office so I can have them on record so if he does I am not going to get evicted...

So, I did just that...Well, I came back home sat down on my sofa and I heard this really loud noise sounded like it was coming from out side but umm no, it was coming from his apartment across the hall...this old bastard is so old he can not hear his TV was so loud the stuff in my apartment was rattling on my walls, i went and knocked on his door after i recorded the noise on cassette so I could give it to my landlord HA!  Well, he opened his door and laughed and said "I am sorry but is this bothering you?" I looked him dead in the eye and said "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"  He of course shut the door in my face so now here come the fag drama lol this is what gets me...

The next morning he was leaving for work I guess and he knocked on my door, I had just sat d own with my coffee, he had the balls and i mean HUGE SACK to ask me "Hey, I am out of coffee do you think i could get a cup?"  Okay now I did this once before to someone cause they were talking shit to a friend of mine...I said "sure hang on", I grabbed his thermal mug filled it with a heaping serving of coffee but at the bottom of it i put a double dose of chocolate Exlax!  When I handed it to him I told him "I am not sure if you will like this its my special mocha brew."  He smiled and said "I do not mind I happen to enjoy some chocolate."  I fucking laughed so hard...

WELL....that will teach you to talk shit so now he will spend his day on the toilet knowing what its like to shit!

Teach your old ass to fuck with this fag...I warned you I was

So the epic WW3 rages on but another battle won by ME!

Tune in next week for "As Our Stomach Turns, These ARE The Gays Of Our Lives"



  1. MOCHA BREW!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now thats the "SHIT" literally.....

  2. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Maybe now his shit will be coming out the right end of ODB...!!!

    You one crazy Mo Fo Sista... I love ya... Roly

  3. LOL @ ODB, seriously he has shit for brains to ask you for some coffee but I guess now his brains are being flushed out the toilet ask him to a dinner party next.
