Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What I had for dinner tonight....

Well, where to start I was at a loss, theres only so much you can do with pork, I got cooking...I chopped cilantro garlic onions salt and pepper...i encrusted them put them in a glass pyrex dish with some e.v.o.o. and I baked them till golden brown and the fat was cripsy!  YUMMY!

Then I made home made mashed potatoes with bacon and butter garlic salt and pepper and that was the main side and then...

I made garlic butter green beans grilled with bacon and onions in the grill pan with some more e.v.o.o.

Now I took a photo of it but for some reason I can not upload it on here I am still trying to figure it out  I will do it as soon as I can!  

Stay tuned for tomorrows as our stomach turns theses are the gays of our lives...

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